2016: Melbourne
Research Support Community Day 2016 took place on Monday 8 February at the Deakin University: Melbourne City Centre.
9.00 am Registration - Coffee and Networking
9.45 am Welcome and Introduction: Interim University Librarian, Deakin University Library, Sue Owen
9.50 am Interdisciplinary research and the Library: the future of library research support? / Dr Brad Aisbett, HDR Coordinator, School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences at Deakin University
Brad will talk about the approaches he and his team take to manage multidisciplinary research projects and achieve strategic and maximum impact. As a big champion of research capacity building, Brad will share with and challenge the audience on how the Library can play a more dynamic role in assisting researchers and research teams.
10.20 am Open access - where are we now and where to from here? / Professor Virginia Barbour Executive Officer, Australian Open Access Support Group via Skype
Dr Barbour will discuss the international state of play around open access, then specifically the Australian context. She is the Executive Officer for the Australasian Open Access Support Group (AOASG) and has previous worked at PLoS. The AOASG exists to advocate, collaborate, raise awareness and help build capacity in open access. Dr Barbour is also the Chair of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)
10.50 am Morning Tea
11.20 am Research Impact: Funders perspectives / Dr Fiona Cameron, Executive Chair: Research Impact Working Group & Director, Biological Sciences and Biotechology. Australian Research Council; and Dr Wee-Min Boon, Senior Research Scientist, Research Policy and Translation, National Health & Medical Research Council
Dr Cameron and Dr Wee-Min Boon will discuss funder expectations around impact outside academia statements for track record sections of major grant applications.
12.00 pm ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) / Natasha Simons, Senior Data Management Specialist, Australian National Data Service (ANDS) & ORCID Ambassador and Nobuko Miyairi, ORCID Regional Director for the Asia Pacific.
ORCID is an open, non-profit, community driven effort to create and maintain a registry of unique researcher identifiers and a transparent method of linking research activities and outputs to these identifiers. International advances in ORCID will be discussed and an update given on the Australian ORCID Consortium.
12.20 pm “Speed” Research Support – 5 x 5 minute Presentations
1.00 pm Lunch
2.00 pm Librarians Conducting Research (Panel discussion)
Researcher Librarian Partnerships / Satu Alakangas and Kristijan Causovski, will discuss their experience as valued members of research teams and how such partnerships enhance value to the institutional research output, as well as increase the visibility of specialised librarian skills.
Kristijan Causovski, a Liaison Librarian (Research) in Business & Economics at the University of Melbourne has collaborated with an academic on a paper on trends in junk food consumption which was published in The Conversation. Satu Alakangas, a Liaison Librarian (Research) in Law at the University of Melbourne has worked on a longitudinal bibliometric study with a professor from the Faculty of Business & Economics. The collaboration has resulted in two papers published in Scientometrics (and a conference presentation in the Academy of Management Annual Meeting).
Evidence of Research Support in Australian Academic Libraries / Gaby Haddow, Senior Lecturer, Department of Information Studies, Curtin University and Jayshree Mamtora, Research Services Coordinator, Charles Darwin University.
This presentation will report on the findings of a nationwide study into how university libraries in Australia are supporting researchers with information and services relating to research impact measures, specifically bibliometrics and altmetrics tools.
Measuring Service Value and Impact / Jennifer Warburton, Program Leader: Research Impact and Training, Research and Collections, University of Melbourne, and in this role coordinates a number of research support services delivered by liaison librarians. She has been involved in an ongoing project investigating client perceptions of value, impact and quality of the Research Consultation Service at the University of Melbourne.
LARK (Library Applied Research Kollektive) / Suzana Sukovic, librarian, researcher and teacher, St. Vincent's College, University of Sydney, and ALIA. Suzana has an extensive professional experience in the information industry, mainly in the academic sector. Her experience in education includes teaching at tertiary and secondary level, application of technology in teaching and learining, and management of educational projects. She has published papers on uses of digital technology in scholarly research and Indigenous knowledge management, and on creativity and innovation in libraries. Her doctoral thesis explored roles of electronic texts in research projects in the humanities.
3.00 pm Data Curation and Research Support Services / Ingrid Mason, Intersect
Through the NCRIS funded Access to Data for Culture and Community Research project, a data curation framework for research support professionals has been developed. The framework for data curation is designed to identify the main areas of data curation that need to be explored and turned into services and procedures, thereby supporting the development of systematic processes to progress new methods of accessing, working with and collecting data. The framework is aimed at experienced research support and infrastructure professionals in universities or collecting organisations, such as libraries (and other custodians of digital scholarly resources or data) interested in making data more accessible to researchers.
3.20 pm Afternoon Tea
3.50 pm “Speed” Research Support – 7 x 5 minute Presentations
4.40 pm Q + A
5.00 pm Wrap up and Close